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April 05, 2024

Psychology in Design: A Black Interior Designer's Perspective

A conversation with an Interior Designer about understanding 1) the profound impact of design choices on our mental and emotional well being and 2) how spaces can shape our thoughts, behaviours and overall health. The premise...

A conversation with an Interior Designer about understanding 1) the profound impact of design choices on our mental and emotional well being and 2) how spaces can shape our thoughts, behaviours and overall health.

The premise is that interior design should not only reflect beauty and functionality, but also caters to the psychological and physical needs of their occupant(s).

Our guest, Ms Quiana Rose of Design a Rose Interiors shares the story of her introduction into world of interior design, a world far removed from her experiences as a young Black girl growing up in Chicago. It's both inspiring and empowering - worth a listen


Interior Design with Design a Rose Interiors

Quiana Rose is the owner and CEO PF Design a Rose Interiors. Ms. Rose has a bachelor’s degree in marketing and interior design as well as a master’s degree in interior design form Harrington College of Design in Chicago, IL. Her personally curated design principles are P.E.A.CE - Privacy. Education. Acceptance. Comfort. Expression. This sensory approach to design caters to the individual’s unique sense of PEACE.