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May 06, 2024

Clearblue Menopause Stage Indicator- do you need it?

Lastest buzz, Swiss Precision Diagnostics (SPD) the company that created Clearblue pregnancy tests, ovulation tests has created a test to help identify a woman's respective menopause stage. There's an app- Clearblue Me - whic...

Lastest buzz, Swiss Precision Diagnostics (SPD) the company that created Clearblue pregnancy tests, ovulation tests has created a test to help identify a woman's respective menopause stage.

There's an app- Clearblue Me - which can be downloaded. There are FSH hormone tests to be performed on alternating days over a 10 span - at home (first morning void). The test results, a health history along with one's age are used to determine the woman's probable menopause stage.

Assuming she hasn't had a hysterectomy, doesn't have PCOS and isn't taking any hormones that could affect the test results, once all requested information has been provided  she will receive a report indicating her most probable menopause stage - pre, peri- or post menopausal.

The app is free. There is a cost for the hormone test kts. It's not for everyone. Is it for you?